Low-pressure Plasma Coating System 低壓等離子涂層系統
General 整體介紹 |
The NW-CoatML system is a medium-sized low-pressure plasma system capable of plasma coating components using liquid precursors. The components to be treated are put in trays, which are inserted into the vacuum chamber. NW-CoatML是一種中使用液態(tài)單體的低壓的等離子處理系統。處理產(chǎn)品時(shí)首先將產(chǎn)品放在托盤(pán)上,之后把托盤(pán)放入真空腔體進(jìn)行處理。 The equipment operates in batches. 該設備是按照批次處理產(chǎn)品的。 The system is completely comprised in a welded and powder coated rigid steel frame. The frame is closed at the bottom (with a cut-out for the vacuum pump) as well as at the sides and is open at the top. Pump as well as fully enclosed electrical cabinet are comprised within the frame. 該系統使用全包的焊接框架結構??蚣艿牡撞坑校ㄓ糜诎惭b真空泵的切口),其側面是封閉的,頂部是開(kāi)放的。真空泵以及電控柜完全包含在內部。 |
Applications 應用 |
Low-pressure plasma system NW-****M* (for reference only) 低壓等離子系統NW-****M*(圖片僅供參考) |
Vacuum chamber 真空腔室 |
The process chamber is made of special grade aluminum with wall thickness of 30mm. All welds are done in several passes at the interior and exterior of the chamber, which assures a long-lasting vacuum tightness for the full lifespan of the machine, which can easily be over 20 years. 真空腔體由壁厚30mm特級鋁制成。全部焊接在腔室的內部和外部分多次完成,這確保了機器的整個(gè)使用壽命(很容易超過(guò) 20 年),以及持久真空密封性。 The vacuum chamber has approximated inner dimensions of w900*d800*h1000 mm, bringing the internal volume to approximate 0,72m³ or 720 litre. 真空腔體的內部尺寸約為 長(cháng)900*寬800*高1000 毫米,內部容積約為 0.72 立方米或 720 升。 The vacuum chamber contains the material to be treated (components) as well as the complete electrode setup needed to treat the material. 真空腔體內包含要處理的材料(組件)以及處理材料所需的完整電極結構。 The chamber has heated walls and is fully thermally insulated. 腔體壁具有加熱功能并且完全隔熱。 The chamber is closed with a swivelling door, which is operated manually and equipped with closing handles. The door O-ring is fixed using a proprietary design, allowing an easy & hassle- free exchange. The door is heated and fully thermally insulated. 腔體門(mén)配有把手,手動(dòng)進(jìn)行旋轉開(kāi)關(guān)。腔門(mén)密封圈使用專(zhuān)門(mén)的設計固定,同時(shí),也可以輕松更換。墻門(mén)也是可以加熱并且完全隔熱的。 |
Vacuum pump 真空泵 |
The vacuum pump group consists of 2 pumps, both dry pumps. This type of pumps has aproven track record in the semiconductor processing industry. This water-cooled pump-combo delivers a pumping speed of 480m³/h. 真空泵由泵組構成,包含兩個(gè)泵,均為干泵。這種泵在半導體加工領(lǐng)域有著(zhù)很好的應用。該泵組使用水冷,可達480m³/h的抽速。 |
Vacuum valves/connection 真空閥門(mén)/連接 |
The chamber can be isolated from the pump through a heated and thermally insulated ISO100 angle valve. 腔體和真空泵之間通過(guò)一個(gè)可以加熱且良好隔熱的ISO100真空角閥。 All connections between pump, valves and chamber are made of stainless-steel grade 304, are electrically heated and thermally insulated. The pump connection is specifically designed to ensure homogeneous flow characteristics during the coating process. 泵、閥門(mén)和腔室之間的所有連接均由 304 級不銹鋼制成,管路加熱使用電加熱,同時(shí)做好了絕熱。專(zhuān)門(mén)設計的泵連接確保涂層過(guò)程中的均勻流動(dòng)特性,從而保證產(chǎn)品處理的均勻性。 |
Pressure gauges 真空計 |
The system holds 3 independent pressure gauges: 系統包含3個(gè)獨立的真空計 One atmosphere indicator 一個(gè)常壓傳感器 One Pirani gauge to control the pump cycle 一個(gè)皮拉尼真空計控制抽真空過(guò)程測量 One heated capacitance gauge to control process pressure The pressure gauges have protecting KF16 isolation valves. 一個(gè)薄膜規控制制成真空度。所有的真空計使用KF16隔離閥門(mén)保護。 |
Venting 排氣 |
The system comes with a KF25 venting valve, equipped with a silencer/flow limiter 該系統配備一個(gè) KF25 排氣閥,配備消音器/流量限制器。 |
Gas delivery 氣體輸送 |
The system is equipped with 2 gas mass flow controller and 1 chamber purge line. Each line is equipped with an additional shut-off valve. The gas is delivered to every slot in the machine by means of a gas manifold. 該系統配備2個(gè)質(zhì)量流量控制器和1個(gè)腔體吹掃管路。每一條氣體輸送管路都配有一個(gè)截止閥。氣體通過(guò)氣路輸送至腔體。 |
Liquid delivery 液體輸送 |
The system has standardly 1 LDM (Liquid Delivery Module) included. The LDM has all controls on board by its own internal PLC, which is connected to the main PLC of the system. It can easily be replaced by a spare LDM (plug-and-play). 該系統標準包含 1 個(gè) LDM(液體輸送模塊)。 LDM 的所有控制都由其自己的內部 PLC 控制,該 PLC 連接到系統的主 PLC。 它可以很容易地被備用 LDM替換(即插即用)。 The LDM allows to bring the process liquid into the right condition before supplying it as a vapor to the coating process. The LDM is connected to the process chamber by a heated and thermally insulated process line. The vapor flow gets further distributed into every process slot, by means of a proprietary heated and thermally insulated manifold. 液體輸送模塊使單體在進(jìn)入腔體進(jìn)行工藝處理之前完全氣化。LDM通過(guò)加熱管路與腔體進(jìn)行連接。通過(guò)合適的加熱和熱絕緣管路,可以很好的將單體氣化,并進(jìn)一步輸送到真空腔室。 |
Plasma electrodes 等離子電極 |
The plasma electrode module is an assembly of RF-powered and ground electrodes. It offers standardly 6 slots to place a tray holding the components to be treated. In case of larger/higher components, the slots can be defined larger, which will result in lesser slots. 等離子點(diǎn)擊模塊包括射頻供電及接地的電極組件。包括6個(gè)標準插槽,放置處理樣品的托盤(pán)。對于更大的產(chǎn)品,可以定制更大的插槽,這就會(huì )導致插槽數量的減少。 Due to the modular setup, the machine can easily be changed over to a different geometry by switching the full plasma electrode module. 通過(guò)模塊化的電極設計,設備可以進(jìn)行整個(gè)模塊化電極的更換。 The RF-powered electrodes are temperature controlled by a recirculating heat exchanger. 射頻電極由循環(huán)熱交換器控制溫度。 |
Plasma generator 等離子發(fā)生器 |
The system is equipped with a 2kW 13,56MHZ RF generator. The RF power is transferred by an automatic matching network to the RF-electrodes. 該系統配備了一個(gè) 2kW 13.56MHZ 射頻發(fā)生器。 射頻功率通過(guò)自動(dòng)匹配網(wǎng)絡(luò )傳輸到射頻電極,進(jìn)行自動(dòng)功率匹配。 |
Component loading 產(chǎn)品上料 |
Parts to be treated are positioned in a tray. These trays are equipped with wheels. The trays are inserted in between the electrodes, using a rail system inside the chamber. The rail system is integrated in the plasma electrode module. 需要處理的產(chǎn)品放置在托盤(pán)中。托盤(pán)是配有輪子的。使用腔室內的導軌系統將托盤(pán)插入電極之間。 導軌系統集成在等離子電極模塊之間。 Useable size of the trays (inner dimension) is approximately 700*600mm. The system can hold up to 6 trays. Maximum height for components in the standard setup is 40mm. 托盤(pán)的可用尺寸(內部尺寸)約為 700*600mm。 該系統最多可容納 6 個(gè)托盤(pán)。 標準設置中可處理的最大高度為 40 毫米。 |
System controls 控制系統 |
The system is fully controlled by a PLC. Automatic processing and alarming functions are fully mastered by the PLC, independent of the HMI Operator interaction happens through the HMI. 該系統完全由PLC控制。 自動(dòng)處理和報警功能完全由 PLC 掌握。操作人員通過(guò)人機界面進(jìn)行設備的操作。 The HMI is a 17” industrial touch screen PC and offers a very comprehensive and intuitive interface with the user. Depending on the allocated user-level, it allows to run the machine in manual or automatic mode, program process recipes or alter system settings. The HMI is also taking care of the optional historical data logging with exporting functions and standardly allows for remote access support over the internet. HMI 是一個(gè) 17 英寸的工業(yè)觸摸屏 PC,為用戶(hù)提供了一個(gè)非常全面和直觀(guān)的界面。 用戶(hù)進(jìn)入不同的級別,可以在手動(dòng)或自動(dòng)模式下運行機器、修稿配方或更改系統設置。 HMI 還通過(guò)導出功能導出歷史數據記錄,并允許通過(guò) Internet 進(jìn)行遠程訪(fǎng)問(wèn)支持。 Status feedback is also provided through a 5-fold LED signal lamp and buzzer 設備運行狀態(tài)可以通過(guò)LED燈和蜂鳴器進(jìn)行快速掌握。 |
Certification 認證 |
The equipment is CE certified 設備通過(guò)CE認證 |
Warranty 質(zhì)保 |
The warranty period is 12 months 保修期為12個(gè)月 |
Options 選件 |
Several options available: extra gas lines, extra sets of trays, frame top cover, manual loading trolley, ERP/MES integration, automatic loading 提供多種選擇:額外的氣體管路、額外的托盤(pán)組、框架頂蓋、手動(dòng)裝載手推車(chē), ERP/MES 集成, 自動(dòng)裝載裝置 |
Characteristics 設備參數: |
Electrical 電力供應 |
3*400V+N+PE at 60A |
Compressed air 壓縮空氣 |
6-8 bar |
Clean and dried air according class4 specification of ISO standard 8573.1 根據ISO 8573.1標準 |
Cooling water 冷卻水 |
20°C 20 liter/minute at 2 bar 2bar壓力情況下20升/分鐘 Clear & soft water, free of particles 潔凈水,沒(méi)有粒子 Cooling power 6kW 冷卻功率6kW |
Process gas 工藝氣體 |
Purity>99,95% 純度>99.95% Pressure : 1-2 bar 壓力1-2bar |
Exhaust 尾氣排放 |
Direct tube to the outside through KF40 flange or hose inner diameter 38mm 通過(guò)KF40法蘭或內徑38mm軟管連接 |
Connectivity 網(wǎng)絡(luò )連接 |
(Proxy-free) internet line 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) |
Dimensions 設備尺寸 |
2200*16000*1920 (+250 signal light) mm (l*w*h) |
Weight 設備重量 |
2000 kg |